DECEMBER is the twelfth
month of the year and brings closure to this year of 2015. Twelve is a
very important number to God. The number twelve in Biblical terms is a
perfect number, signifying perfection of government, or of governmental
perfection. Twelve is also the number used many times in Old
Testament to represent for example the twelve sons of Jacob-Israel and the
new - twelve spiritual sons/fathers of the faith - the twelve Apostles of
I pray that the faith God has will also
become yours and that God’s government and His perfected Word will reign in
your life this month and for every subsequent month of your life.
In order for you to understand more fully
the signifigance of 12 as used in The Bible see as clearly illustrated below:
In this month of December let me take the
opportunity to wish you every good blessing of Christ and take the opportunity
to also share a thought with you for this special season.
December is the month that the world
celebrates globally as Christmas – the time of the birth of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. It was God’s love for man that brought Christ to
earth to die for our sins. Love sometimes
does strange things. The Bible tells us it is a strange love. Behold, what manner of love
the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God (1 John 3:1). Note that word manner.
The Greek word ispotapos, an adjective that describes something strange
or foreign - as from another country. It does not merely convey the idea of
greatness as some modern translations have it. When our Lord rebuked the winds
and calmed the stormy sea, The men marveled, saying, What manner of man
is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! (Matthew 8:27, italics added). They saw something they had never
witnessed before. When they saw the miracle, they thought, This man is
out of this world. What we saw is strange and foreign.
The love that God has for us
is strange, it takes great risks and
goes to extreme lengths that many would call foolish. On that first
Christmas day thousands of years ago, God’s foolishness was wiser than men, and
his weakness was stronger than men. Christ’s birth took the world by
This surprise was of course,
part of God’s strategic plan. The element of surprise is critical in any
type of warfare. Christmas, you may not have realized this, was an act of
warfare. In fact it was heaven’s D-Day, a day of spiritual and
supernatural deliverance for mankind.
The preparation of Christ
coming to earth had taken centuries, but now it was time for the Conquering
Saviour to put in His appearance and literally land on enemy occupied
Christ came in humility, and
would finish His earthly conquest thirty years later by the greatest act of
humility the world had ever seen.
“Peace on Earth, Good will
towards men.” True peace can never be forged by steel, but only by
love. It is the humble babe in the manger, not Caesar in his chariot, who
is the real Prince of Peace.
May your faith in God grow and
become evidenced through your prayers and actions for all to hear and see. I pray that as 2016 advances and
gets ready to appear that your love for God will become entwined with your
faith in Him and that in this coming year you will be stronger than ever
I wish you every blessing of heaven at
this very special time of the year.
May The Lord Himself bless you as you allow Christ to be birthed in your
POINTS – (say each one three times)
1. Ps 33:12 Father
we ask you to govern/order the steps of our Leaders, those in authority in The Name of Jesus Christ.
2. 1 Thes. 5:17 I pray/stand
against stubborn issues in my life, Today I speak change/turn-around in my
familiy, home and personal life. there must be a change, in the Name of Jesus
3. Tim 2:1-2 Dear Father and God I pray for restoration,
recovery and revival in (1)OUR
The Name of Jesus Christ
4. Romans 2:13 Dear God visit your people
across the earth today. Help us to turn away from disobedience. Let YOUR
government return to Your earth and our hearts In The Name of Jesus
5. Joshua 4:1-9
Father God raise us up to become strong pillars again. Put your
structures back into our lives. In the Name of Jesus Christ.
6. Acts 10:1-5
In faith we pray, Lord send help/people/finances for your work globally in The
Name of Jesus….
12 Times Is 9:6 God's Government is on my shoulders. My love for God and my faith in God is growing stronger. Through my words I release God's power into my life. Before this year ends I will see God move in my life like
never before. 2016 is my year of breakthrough in every area of life. I
decree and declare that it is so. Amen and forever Amen
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