the eleventh month of the year and the number eleven is sandwiched
between 10 (Law, ordered perfection) and 12 (Governmental
perfection). Although this number is
considered to be a number of disorder, seen in the example when
the 12 apostle’s of Christ
became 11 with the death of Judas. Unsuccessfully they attempted
to recruit a replacement through
Matthias (Acts 1:12,23,26) who subsequently was only mentioned
three times in The Bible and then disappears from the story/view because he was
not chosen by God. The number eleven can also be seen as one more (an extra
measure of what is required) or one less than needed. Eleven represents that
twixt and
between time in our lives
when we are not quite sure what to do, the disciples of Jesus
had the same problem. The story teaches us – do not try to figure
out/fix things yourself, go to God
and wait on His answer through prayer. I have also discovered that
the number 11 represents a
revelation - the
first time eleven is mentioned in the Bible is:
And he (Jacob) rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his
two women servants,
and his eleven sons, and passed over the ford Jabbok. (Genesis
Jacobs's eleventh son was Joseph , who received in a dream a
revelation that, all his brethren
and his parents would bow down to him. In the process of time and
through tribulation God allowed
him to reveal the
meaning of dreams to different people on different levels. Thus Israel's
son saved a
Interestingly also this first occurrence of the number 11 is in
verse 22
(2x11) of Genesis 32, how about that!!
– GLOBAL (say each one
three times)
Look up and study the scripture verses given before each prayer
point – enrich your prayer times with study of The Word of God also.
1. Gen
27:28 Father refresh us today with the dew of Your Word, let it pour
down upon our lives and that of our families, ministries, and your people
around the globe in The Name of Jesus Christ.
2. Luke 1:78 Dear God visit your earth in love
replace curses with blessings, revive and
Name of Jesus Christ.
3. Job 22:28 I declare by faith that I am a Joseph – a deliverer to my family (O.T) and a Husband to
the vulnerable (N.T.) Dear God help me, like Jesus to show and be
the answer to the problems of our nation in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Acts 10:1-5 In faith I pray for those on the
missions fields of the world, Lord send help/people/finances for your work here
and abroad in The Name of Jesus Christ.
– YOU/PERSONAL (say each one three times)
Look up and study the scripture verses given before each prayer
point – enrich your prayer times with study of The Word of God also.
1. Ps 145:18 Today by
faith/prayer, I position/surround/bind myself to God’s Word, Laws and
His government for my life/destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Ps 50:15 I decree/declare every trouble/problem that comes my way
will also reveal God’s
deliverance/plans for my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. 1 John 5:14-15 I believe that my faith has reached the
ears of God, I speak multiplied blessings/
all areas of my life NOW , in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. James 4:3 My God will grant me the faith/strength
and long life to accomplish the
purposes of God for every situation I face, in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
5. 2
Kings 13:17 By Faith I send out
the arrows of my prayers I AM a
child of The King of
Kings, no circumstance of life will overcome, stop or hinder me,
in The Name of Jesus Christ ..
Say 11 times Is 40:41, Job 14:14 I will not run ahead of God or inadvertently chose
problems or pain, the wrong people or places. I will wait on God
in prayer
for my change and the power of God to possess my life, Come NOW,
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