to May the fifth month of this
year. I want to take this
opportunity to teach you a greater truth about the number Five. This is the number that we associate
with The Grace of God, but this
number also reveals and exposes
how grace is put together, composed – the full
package . Did you know that this
number is associated with Redemption
and the Mystery of God? Mystery because we never really know
what God is up to most of the time as He does not reveal His plan upfront. Ultimately He is always trying to
redeem us, bring us back to Himself.
When reading Genesis initially God does not make His intention
clear. Right now in your life
today God’s intention for YOU may
not be clear, but if you put all of your trust in Him and obey His Word without reservation, soon God will reveal His
plan for your life. Did you
realise that in Genesis God exposes the
Five characteristics of His
character which make Him a God of Grace. See below:
1 = God The Father
(Gen 1:1) The Beginner and
author of all
2 = God The Creator (Gen 1:3)
The Designer, Architect of
everything that exists
3 = God The Son (Gen 3:15)
God manifested in flesh form (Jn 1:14)
3 = God The Spirit (Gen
1:2) The invisible force
that hovers over all
5 = God The Redeemer (Gen 3:15) God of Grace, able to fix anything
We, those of us that have
given our lives to God are a People called out, by the Creator to
separate ourselves from the culture of the world. We are here to literally walk from earth to heaven (it’s
a process) just like Enoch did (Gen 5:25, Heb 11:5). I wonder how Genesis would read today if Adam and Eve had
this information that I am giving to you now.[1]
It has always been God’s intended purpose to redeem man from disobedience and bring him back to
Himself, not to cast man out. If
Adam and Eve had known this I suspect they would have repented and asked God to
begin again in their lives, but they didn’t know they could repent. Dear Child of God, the difference between failure
and success is information!! The purpose of WLCC is to give you all the information you
need to succeed. I pray that this
information will cause you to succeed and that the Mystery of God’s Grace
will begin something new in your life today as you repent for your yesterdays and allow God to create something new in you!
So to summarise, the number Five reveals the whole package of - God The Father, (Creator of every
living thing) Son and Holy Spirit and He in whatever form will
always redeem His creation and deliver YOU by His grace. I am giving you a new definition for G.R.A.C.E. = God Redeeming
All Completely Every time.
PRAYER POINTS – (Repeat and pray these prayers out aloud)
1. Acts 19:20
Father, grow your Word today in Your church/me, release your prevailing
power on us all…
2. Gen 5:25, Heb 11:5 Teach
us Father how to walk like Enoch until all flesh
3 Ps 68:1 Father today I speak Your Word over the 7 Pillars of
our Society, Arise oh God and take your place in (1)YOUR
Blood of Jesus Christ - pray about/speak to current affairs/situations).
4. Matt 10:42
Father help us, Your people to do more for the
lost, people in poorer countries.
Increase your anointing on Your people, missionaries globally, in
The Name of Jesus Christ .
PRAYER POINTS – (Repeat and pray these prayers out aloud)
1. Is 55:11 I refuse to void God’s Word through
disobedience. I will accomplish
the will of God for my life in every area, I cover myself, family and all I possess with The Blood of..
2. Matt 18:18 I bind every force working against my life, family, finances,
future, in the…
DECLARTION: Pray, Say 7 times
Mark 13:31 Let
every spirit of disobedience, curse, yokes of the past, present and future be
destroyed today by the Power of God’s Word. Begin your Genesis in me today. I cover myself with The Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen
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