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Friday, 2 September 2011

Conquering The Spirit of Compromise

King Solomon - Conquering The Spirit of Compromise

Every month this year at WLCC we are helping/giving you the tools to destroy the different
spirits that have been controlling/destroying your life – STRONGHOLDS. You cannot affor
1to miss these powerful prayers for your life monthly. Ensure you have given your life/heart to
God through repentance and that you have forgiven everyone including yourself for/every
offence and that you are now obedient to God’s Word. This done, you have authority to pray
these prayer points - result - watch YOUR life begin to change. THIS MONTH – our prayer
points are based around – King Solomon, (2nd Samuel 12:24). His story reveals God can
use/exalt anybody despite their background/family/sin. Solomon started well, but finished
badly. God anointed him, gave him Wisdom – Wisest King/man of all times, but he misused
the gift that God had placed in his life. He followed his feelings, thoughts, flesh and became
The Bible’s “Wisest Fool”. He had to contend/fight with many spirits, he was the child of
adultery and that spirit followed, fought him until the day he died. Solomon also
suffered, like many of us, from a disease called sin, this disease in order for it to be satisfied
will always lead us to a place of compromise. Compromise was the strongman that had
a stronghold on his life. It is also one of the major strongholds over our lives/nation today.
Solomon had it all and more besides - BUT he built his father’s vision, what King David had
seen, “sacrificed” as a ritual/rule (1 Sam 15:22) rather than out of relationship with God - had
no vision or relationship with God for himself. Worse still, there is no record that Solomon
ever repented before he died – where did he spend eternity after beginning so well? Let us
today refuse to compromise with sin/disobedience one day longer. TODAY renew/establish
your relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ and refuse to compromise any longer.

PRAYER POINTS (say each of the following 3 times each, then begin to pray)

1. Today I repent, I forgive myself and others. I am a God’s King and a Priest unto God.

2. I declare: I have a new bloodline - Wisdom is my father, Holiness and Righteousness (Kings 3 vs.

     3) my heavenly family and God’s counsel my companion and best friend, In the Name of

     Jesus Christ.

3. I break the spirit of compromise over my life/thinking, In the Name of Jesus Christ.

4. Oh God arise, speak into my ears (Matt 11:15, Rev 2:7,17) appear tonight again and visit me

     afresh in my dreams (1Kings 9:2 ,5)

5. I declare: God will bring me heavens gifts as I sleep (1 Kings 3:5), He will guarantee my

     success, I refuse to compromise, In the Name of Jesus...

6. I declare: God’s throne/His anointing shall be established in my life both now and evermore..

7. Today I break/bind every evil spirit of my ancestors that is over my life/future generations, I

     cover myself with the blood of Jesus….

8. Today I break the yokes of lust in my life, flesh, eyes and the pride of life holding me bound

     and captive (1 John 2:16). I will finish well, In the Name of Jesus Christ.

9. I declare: I will stand as a King and warrior in prayers and war against the warring spirits, (1

     Kings 8 & 14).

10.Oh God let my prayers and my reign/life bring deliverance and blessing to others, In the

     Name of Jesus Christ.

     Say 12 times “Today I break wrong desires, disobedience, foolishness and compromise
     from my life now. I am God’s anointed and appointed In the Name of Jesus Christ.






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