I would like to take this opportunity to wish every single one of you God's richest and finest blessings for this first quarter of 2020 and beyond!
So here we find ourselves again in January this month of "Beginnings". What is your desire for yourself, your loved ones and indeed your communities and our planet for this new season? God has something great in store for each one of us, but it is up to us to "possess our God-given possessions".
We are called to "follow Jesus" not ourselves or those close to us. Even when we pray Jesus gave us His example of prayer (Matt 6:9-13, Luke 11:1-4) which begins with "Our". I would like to encourage you whether in word, deed or prayer to remember the plight and circumstances of others (1Tim 2:1-4) and to daily include the needs of other people and their predicaments in your prayers and meditations. Make this first quarter of 2020 a Genesis of New Beginnings!
The Bible starts with Genesis so let me declare a "Genesis" of new successes and victories over your own life. This year could be YOUR new beginning - the end of cyclical and repetitive patterns. I challenge you to think different thoughts, do different activities, brake out of and away from, old tendencies...could it be time for a change? Why not PRAY FOR A CHANGE! Prayer has an inbuilt ability to change anyone or anything, but prayer has to be prayed...so what are you waiting for...Pray!
![PRAYER POWER by [Dalrymple, Pastor Avis]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41dp71Fd26L.jpg)