Prayer Is God’s Commandment
“Pray without ceasing”
(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Welcome to the month of February and I pray that 2018
is working well for you to this point. Whether
it is or not your need to pray is still paramount to your successful daily existence.
The above scripture calls us all to a place of
continual prayer. If we are to pray without ceasing, God must also consider prayer to be a top priority for
us at all times. I believe this is
so because:
1. Prayer, the way God intends for us to pray, helps us to focus on others and not just
ourselves. We see this demonstrated
in The Lord’s Prayer - Luke 11:1.
2. Involving others enables us to take our minds off ourselves and spend
time thinking about others.
3. Praying for others will help us to be less self-centred, selfish – more
like Jesus!
4. Prayer brings a greater sensitivity to the needs and issues of those
around us.
5. Prayer helps us to find the will of God for our lives.“If anyone would
come after Me (Jesus), let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.”
(Matthew 16:24)
6. Taking up your cross means to literally put to death your sinful traits and the me, myself and I attitude.
Once you set time aside to pray and communicate with God,
it is then that God hears you and shows you His will. Until you make prayer a
priority daily you will stay on the same cyclical path and continue to go
around in circles – walking to, but never reaching a successful destination.
Prayer is your given power to change EVERY area of
your current circumstances.
God bless you now and always,
Pastor Avis
If you would like further help with your prayer life download the FREE prayer points from this site or get hold of my book Prayer Power available from Amazon.