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Tuesday, 3 October 2017



(for more powerful prayer points against Terror – see downloads)

October has presented to us yet another Attack of Terror in a public place to hundreds of people who were out trying to enjoy an evening of entertainment - namely on this occasion the Las Vegas shootings.  

In 2017 to this point alone we have seen over 85 different incidents of terror, murder and injury.   These acts of terror always cause people to ask "why?"  The Word of God simplifies the question and the answer and succinctly says:   

Where there is no vision, the people perish: 
but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Proverbs 29:18

Without vision, focus and God's laws we will become acutely miserable and we will self-destruct!  I pray that as Christians and light-bearers to this world of present darkness that we will hold up the message of Jesus Christ to the world for all to see:  

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, 
the truth, and the life: 
no man cometh unto the Father, 
but by me
.John 14:6

As a prophetic voice and servant of God I have learnt over the years that when things become different in our lives or status that we must in turn learn to pray differently in order to address our altered circumstances.   So, this month,  we are going to do just that through our prayer points (if you need more prayers, a more comprehensive list, see downloads).  Also if you need further help with your own prayer life download (Kindle copy) my book from Amazon Prayer Power which has powerful prayers in it specifically for YOU!

Please join with me in prayer this month by praying EVERY DAY at least once daily - more if you can - the points listed below:  Let us together PRAY FOR A CHANGE!

Father we pray and ask you today for :

Pray for The enforcement of God's Laws 
o  Open our hearts, minds and spirits, make us all receptive to Your voice and Word.

Pray for  all World Leaders:
o  Leaders will not lead us astray - Lord lead our leaders so that they rise up  against evil

Pray for Families globally:
o  Send a spirit of peace into our homes
o  Unify and unite our families with Your spirit of

Vices and Victims
o   Save the Barons of the underworld cause their finances to dry up

Pray for First Responders:
o  Equip them with supernatural strength to be physically and emotionally strong

Pray for the Perpetrators, Terrorists:
o  Alert our police/security forces ahead of time          Intercept, expose dark plots and block their plans of evil deeds and conduct


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