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Tuesday, 31 January 2017



This month align your life with The Word of God. Alignment is
simply obedience to The Word of God – doing what it says. Do
this and you are guaranteed success in every area of your life. So
how do you get started – 5 simple steps.

1. Make sure you have repented – stopped doing things you
know to be wrong and make a decision not to repeat your
wrong doings.

2. Read The Word of God daily, spend time in prayer.

3. Act and behave in a way that pleases God – show kindness
to others.

4. Live your life with integrity – let everyone around you see
Jesus in you.

5. Find a church home where you can learn more about Jesus
and how to serve God in your everyday life.

Begin each day with The Word of God, speak it out aloud when
you pray, thereby releasing the presence of God into your
atmosphere and life and change your conversation.  
Make a conscious decision to talk about God and pray to God 
on a daily basis. Do this every day for the month of
February and you will begin the month of March by experiencing
initially small changes for the better and for your good. If you
continue to pray, the changes will become more noticeable and
significant. Prayer changes everything!

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God
John 1:1

Allow The Word of God to manifest itself in your life by obeying
God’s Word. Obedience is a supernatural characteristic. If you
make up your mind to obey God, He will assist and empower you
to do so. So begin today – get back into alignment with God and 
make His Word God in your life.


When you’re not aligned with God, you don’t care what He
thinks. His convictions are like an annoying background noise that
you work hard to tune out. His feelings and preferences mean
nothing to you. Instead, you only care about yourself and what
you want and your prayers are all about you – self-centred. Get
started and align your life with the following prayers.

Prayers for Alignment

Say these prayers aloud every day – 3 times if possible – for the
month of February 2017

1. Father I ask you to forgive me for every wrong deed that I
have committed. I make a decision today to align myself
and everything connected to me to Your Word, in The
Name of Jesus Christ.

2. Dear God be God in my life for all to see. Imprint Your
Word into the very fabric and core of my being until I begin
to act and sound like you, in The Name of Jesus Christ.

3. Lord, The Bible says Your Word is God, teach my how to
speak like God, in order to create change in my life ,

circumstances and flesh. In The Name of Jesus.