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Friday, 7 October 2016



October is the tenth month of the year and the number 10 is mentioned and illustrated very many times in The Bible in very many different ways.  

This month I would like to do a Bible study with you and teach you more about the occurrences of the number 10 in The Bible, you may also discover more as your read the given examples.  So let me teach you something about the number 10 as given in The Bible.  Here are some examples below,  please take the time to look them up and learn more about the stories that they are related to.  If you do not have one already,  buy yourself a good notebook that you can use to make notes about what you learn from the following scriptures.  This will enable and equip you to not only read but study.  The Bible says:

 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, 
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, 
rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 

  • Genesis, chapter 1, at the beginning of creation, the term "God said" is used 10 times.

  • From Adam to Noah was 10 generations (Gen Ch. 5).

  • God promised Abraham He would not destroy Sodom if 10 righteous men could be found there (Gen 18:32).

  • God caused the shadow on a sundial to go backwards 10 degrees (2 Kin 20:8-11).

  • In the Temple were 10 lavers, 10 lampstands, and 10 tables (2 Chr 4:6-8).

  • On the 10th day of the first month, a lamb was to be chosen for Passover (Ex 12:2-3).

  • There were 10 days between Jesus' ascension to Heaven and Pentecost.

  • God created us with 10 fingers and 10 toes.


  1. Father  create and establish Your Word in me for all to see, let Your Word become flesh in my life (John 1;14).
  2. Dear God I ask you to flood and cleanse the families of the earth and fill us with Your righteousness.  
  3. My Lord and Saviour Cleanse, heal and inspire all those in authority, our leaders, globally, our schools, institutions, businesses, media, Arts, Entertainment, Your Church
  4. Help me oh God so that I may help others, teach me how to be your best witness and living testimony in the earth.  
I ask all of this through the blood of  Jesus and in the  name of  Jesus Christ, Amen!