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Thursday, 28 April 2016


If you have every wanted to understand prayer, how it works and how to get answers to your prayers,This book is a Manual of power for everyone at every level whether beginner or more advanced. Each chapter contains keys that will enable you to…

MAY 2016

Welcome to the fifth month of the year, we are nearly half way through 2016. The number 5 features on many occasions in The Bible but did you know that the number 5 also signifies Preparation – see below:

·             First 5 books of the Bible prepare us for Israel's story  
        throughout the rest of the Bible.

 ·      There were 5 wise virgins who were prepared, while 5   

        were not.

 ·      David, in preparing for Goliath, took up 5 smooth stones.

If you want to receive more information on this topic or receive prayer points for your life please download your personal copy from this blog or  from 

APRIL 2016

In Biblical terms the number 4 derives its meaning from creation.  The fourth day, also called “creation week” God completed the material universe. It was on  this day that God  brought into existence our sun, the moon, and all the stars (Genesis 1:14 - 19). Their purpose was not only to give off light, but also to divide the day from the night on earth.  thus becoming a basic demarcation of time.

My prayer for your life this month as it comes to an end is that everything God has created for your will come into fruition and materialise for you and for all to see.    

I pray that as you begin to align yourself with The Word of God that God will align Himself with you, your life and everything connected to it.

I pray that as you begin to find favour with God that every element of the universe will begin to work in your favour also.

I pray that your life will be a light to others and that God will use you to light up every dark place that you encounter or find yourself in. 

May you  begin to walk in the Divine Seasons of God and fulfill and keep your God-given appointment and assignments of life.  Amen for ever and forever Amen!

God bless you and increase you.

Pastor Avis 

If you have every wanted to understand prayer, how it works and how to get answers to your prayers,This book is a Manual of power for everyone at every level whether beginner or more advanced. Each chapter contains keys that will enable you to…