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Sunday, 2 September 2012

September Prayer Points


When Faith Governs”

- Tel: 07943-111020
We have now entered into the ninth month of the year. It takes
nine months for a women to incubate, form and then give birth to a

child. The number nine represents the cycle of
Gestation. I pray that this month you will give birth to every seed of God that has been placed, incubated and formed in your spiritual womb. Nine in Biblical terms represents
Judgment of man and his works; finality of divine things,
 the end, conclusion of a matter; 9 = 5+4 number of Grace, unmerited favour, renewal, responsibility, sacrifice and 4 = the number of creation.

May God’s Word create and bring forth radical changes in
your life like never before
. Nine also represents Tribulation, probation, perfection of divine order, Gifts/Fruit of the Spirit.

May faith arise in your life this month manifesting God’s Fruit of The Spirit and may His gifts be evident in your daily walk before God and enable you to give birth to everything that is God in this September month.
God bless you


Pastor Avis

Hebrews 12:12

Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down,

and the feeble knees;


(say each one three times)


Galatians 3:22-26 This month my faith will deliver me/loose me from every imprisonment of

the flesh, spirit, mind and body I declare

I AM FREE (Jn 8:36).


2 Cor 5:7 I confess I believe God even where I cannot see God, my God is well able,

in The Name of Jesus Christ.


Matt 16:19 Today I confess I have the key of prayer, God’s anointed words are in my

mouth to open all the locked-up places of my life, Oh Christ live and speak through me

again, in The Name of Jesus Christ.

By Faith I claim answers to my prayers, BEGIN TO PRAISE GOD!

Say 12 times
: I decree and declare that I will not abort or miscarry God’s

seed in my life. This month I will bring forth in the Name of Jesus Christ.