When Faith Governs”
This month we are going to pray into the seven pillars/foundations upon which every
society in the world is built. These Pillars of Society are slowly disappearing because
we have replaced righteousness with sin and there is no replacement for
righteousness. In order to bring back, re-establish these pillars in our society this
month we are going to pray, speak into them and through the power of prayer allow
God to take back His rightful place in our midst. The missing pillar/structure in our
own personal lives is Faith, this year the Pillar of Faith will return to our lives, homes,
families and if we continue to pray collectively and corporately these pillars will begin
to return to our world. Notice also that when The Children of Israel were led out of
Egypt that they were lead by Almighty God in and by
Pillars of Clouds (Ex 3:2). It is
God’s desire to put back the structures of God in all of our lives but we must persist
and then we will prevail through prayer. Samson the mighty giant suffered at the
hands of his enemies because he had lost the structure (discipline and laws of
righteousness) in his life. Without going into too much detail notice that in order to
overcome his enemies his final act was to LAY HIS HANDS ON THE PILLARS (Judges
16:29). Our act of prayer will not be to our own death like Samson, but through the
power of prayer we shall break the strongholds upon which Satan has established
himself throughout our nations and our globe. Join us this month, learn “How to pray
with power, praise and faith and in turnplease God” (Heb 11:6). In our AEBSunday Morning Class and our Tuesday/Thursday Prayer Schools we will be using the
manual of God’s Word to change lives and introduce a higher level of spiritual
teaching, truth and
Prayer Power which will change your life forever. This year we
will activate our faith and walk in victory/success God Bless you richly,
Pastor Avis
Matthew 9:2 . Forgive me Lord for the sin of unbelief. Today I put every spirit of
paralysis in my mind, mouth and life before you, I believe God, in the Name of...
2 Corinthians 5:7 My faith has legs, NOW I rise up to begin my walk of faith, I am
walking towards my breakthrough in all areas of my life, in the Name of Jesus .
Matthew 17:20 I refuse to live in doubt one day longer, Let my faith speak for me
today.I “Mountains of fear, doubt, sickness, lack blocking my view to success and
victory come down now in the Name of Jesus Christ”.
Matthew 15:28 I declare my prayer of faith will see my situation healed today, The
hand of God is on my life and He has heard and answered my prayer, The Word of the
Lord is perfect (Psalms 19:7). I receive my victory
NOW in the Name of Jesus Christ
Matthew 14:31, Psalms 19:14 Let the hand of faith take hold of my life today, may the
words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight Oh Lord
in the Name of Jesus Christ
Say 12 times
: Faith is the mantle I wear, the anointing I carry, the song I sing, the words I
speak and the thoughts I think. I have NOW FAITH, I work the works of my father (John
5:17), I and The Father are One (John 10:30