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Sunday, 2 September 2012

September Prayer Points


When Faith Governs”

- Tel: 07943-111020
We have now entered into the ninth month of the year. It takes
nine months for a women to incubate, form and then give birth to a

child. The number nine represents the cycle of
Gestation. I pray that this month you will give birth to every seed of God that has been placed, incubated and formed in your spiritual womb. Nine in Biblical terms represents
Judgment of man and his works; finality of divine things,
 the end, conclusion of a matter; 9 = 5+4 number of Grace, unmerited favour, renewal, responsibility, sacrifice and 4 = the number of creation.

May God’s Word create and bring forth radical changes in
your life like never before
. Nine also represents Tribulation, probation, perfection of divine order, Gifts/Fruit of the Spirit.

May faith arise in your life this month manifesting God’s Fruit of The Spirit and may His gifts be evident in your daily walk before God and enable you to give birth to everything that is God in this September month.
God bless you


Pastor Avis

Hebrews 12:12

Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down,

and the feeble knees;


(say each one three times)


Galatians 3:22-26 This month my faith will deliver me/loose me from every imprisonment of

the flesh, spirit, mind and body I declare

I AM FREE (Jn 8:36).


2 Cor 5:7 I confess I believe God even where I cannot see God, my God is well able,

in The Name of Jesus Christ.


Matt 16:19 Today I confess I have the key of prayer, God’s anointed words are in my

mouth to open all the locked-up places of my life, Oh Christ live and speak through me

again, in The Name of Jesus Christ.

By Faith I claim answers to my prayers, BEGIN TO PRAISE GOD!

Say 12 times
: I decree and declare that I will not abort or miscarry God’s

seed in my life. This month I will bring forth in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Prayer Points to Build Your Faith

When Faith Governs!

When Faith Governs”


- Tel: 07943-111020

Your faith is no good to you, your circumstances or others until you learn how to use it

Faith by itself is not enough. We must first repent before God, even
saved people

need to say sorry to God for the wrong things that we have done from time to time.

That’s why “Goodness and Mercy” the supernatural assistants and twins of heaven

always travel as a tag team/together. Why so? You see sometimes we all do wrong

things and we do not deserve
good things from God, it is at these times that we must

call on God for
mercy. When we do this, goodness will begin to flow in our lives again.

In this eighth month – the number eight represents
new beginnings, begin, make an effort to believe God more.
Look at yourself honestly and ask God to begin a new work

in your life and watch and see what happens as you begin to pray on this wise….begin

to plant new seeds of faith in your life and watch them grow as the spiritual force of

faith is released and activated – your faith is
sure seed – it has no option but to grow!

Hebrews 11:1 (New International Version)

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

John 20:29 Today I confess - my faith is growing, I have the God Kind of Faith, I claim my

victories, breakthroughs, success and answered prayers in the name of Jesus Christ.

2 Cor 5:7 I confess I believe God even where I cannot see God, my God is well able…

Matthew 15:21-28 I call myself well, healed, healthy whole in all areas of my life. I

walk in divine healing, God’s Word is the prescription for my total deliverance, in..
Matthew 8:8 Today I bind myself to the will of God, The Word of God and the power of

God, I was born to prosper, lead and walk in victory, I reactivate my anointing, in the..
Isaiah 60:1 I command myself to arise, shine for my light, loosing and liberty has come,

today I get up, change my position and place, Lord release Your power into my life now..

Isaiah 40:31 Now spend at least 5 mins waiting upon The Lord….listen – get a note book

and write down what God says.
I Thank you Lord for answering my prayers, I believe when I pray

Say 12 times

: Romans 10:17 - Faith hear me come to assist me now. By faith I

conquer, rule and reign in all areas of my life. I take back stolen time,

possessions, loved ones, lost victories/battles, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Through faith I AM…… Declare/say what you are, let the Devil hear you!!!

Friday, 4 May 2012

Prayer Points May

This month we are declaring and establishing our faith through positive confessions

and prayers.

Allow The Spirit of Faith 2 Cor 4:13, to rise up in your life and totally possess you.

Talk faith, act in faith and bring your mind and thinking in-line with faith. YOUR faith

will make you better, whole.

Luke 17:19
Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

When we walk in and by faith, miracles become automatic. It is God’s desire to put

back the structures of God into all of our lives but we must persist and then we will

prevail through prayer. Join us this month, learn “How to pray with power, praise and

faith and in turn, “

please God” (Heb 11:6). In our AEB Sunday Morning Class and

our Tuesday/Thursday Prayer Schools we will be using the manual of God’s Word to

change lives and introduce a higher level of spiritual teaching, truth and
Prayer   Power  which will change your life forever. God Bless you richly,

Pastor Avis

Through prayer we speak restoration, revival and recovery into the 7 pillars of our society



in the Name of Jesus Christ.


Matthew 15:28 Lord Jesus answer my faith today, grant my request.. (say what your

request is…)

I receive my victory NOW in the name of Jesus Christ


Matthew 9:2 Today my faith will carry me into the presence of God, I declare that

every area of my life is healed in the name of Jesus Christ.


1 Peter 1:21 I believe God, His Word has vindicated me, healed me and set me free I

am free today (John 8:36), , in the name of Jesus Christ.


1 Peter 1:7 Let the gold of my faith shine in my life for all to see today and bring glory

to God in the name of Jesus Christ.

Say 12 times
: Faith is my shield. I overcome every obstacle in my path of

life. This year success will become my best friend, Health my companion and

portion, prosperity my dwelling place. Peace is my constant state of mind, I

declare it and say that it is so, Amen, Amen and Forever Amen.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

When Faith Governs


When Faith Governs”

This month we are going to pray into the seven pillars/foundations upon which every

society in the world is built. These Pillars of Society are slowly disappearing because

we have replaced righteousness with sin and there is no replacement for

righteousness. In order to bring back, re-establish these pillars in our society this

month we are going to pray, speak into them and through the power of prayer allow

God to take back His rightful place in our midst. The missing pillar/structure in our

own personal lives is Faith, this year the Pillar of Faith will return to our lives, homes,

families and if we continue to pray collectively and corporately these pillars will begin

to return to our world. Notice also that when The Children of Israel were led out of

Egypt that they were lead by Almighty God in and by
Pillars of Clouds (Ex 3:2). It is

God’s desire to put back the structures of God in all of our lives but we must persist

and then we will prevail through prayer. Samson the mighty giant suffered at the

hands of his enemies because he had lost the structure (discipline and laws of

righteousness) in his life. Without going into too much detail notice that in order to

overcome his enemies his final act was to LAY HIS HANDS ON THE PILLARS (Judges

16:29). Our act of prayer will not be to our own death like Samson, but through the

power of prayer we shall break the strongholds upon which Satan has established

himself throughout our nations and our globe. Join us this month, learn “How to pray
with power, praise and faith and in turn
please God” (Heb 11:6). In our AEB

Sunday Morning Class and our Tuesday/Thursday Prayer Schools we will be using the

manual of God’s Word to change lives and introduce a higher level of spiritual

teaching, truth and
Prayer Power which will change your life forever. This year we

will activate our faith and walk in victory/success God Bless you richly,
Pastor Avis


Matthew 9:2 . Forgive me Lord for the sin of unbelief. Today I put every spirit of

paralysis in my mind, mouth and life before you, I believe God, in the Name of...

2 Corinthians 5:7 My faith has legs, NOW I rise up to begin my walk of faith, I am

walking towards my breakthrough in all areas of my life, in the Name of Jesus .


Matthew 17:20 I refuse to live in doubt one day longer, Let my faith speak for me

today.I “Mountains of fear, doubt, sickness, lack blocking my view to success and

victory come down now in the Name of Jesus Christ”.


Matthew 15:28 I declare my prayer of faith will see my situation healed today, The

hand of God is on my life and He has heard and answered my prayer, The Word of the

Lord is perfect (Psalms 19:7). I receive my victory

NOW in the Name of Jesus Christ


Matthew 14:31, Psalms 19:14 Let the hand of faith take hold of my life today, may the

words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight Oh Lord

in the Name of Jesus Christ


Say 12 times
: Faith is the mantle I wear, the anointing I carry, the song I sing, the words I

speak and the thoughts I think. I have NOW FAITH, I work the works of my father (John

5:17), I and The Father are One (John 10:30

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

March 2012 'When Faith Governs'

WLCC this year we will be saturating our lives with a powerful teaching on

Faith. Begin to rebuild your life with prayer and faith. We will help you to

establish and materialize the evidence of your faith (Heb 11:1). To support

this vital and essential teaching (Heb 11:6) we are praying, speaking and

prophesying The Spirit of Faith (2 “Cor 4:13), The Gift of Faith (1Cor 12:9) and

the Fruit of Faith (Gal 5:22) into the lives, of the hearer and their situations

and circumstances. I guarantee you that this year if you attend the teaching

sessions and pray the Prayer Points below The God of Miracles will visit you

and take up residence in your life and everything and everyone that you are

connected to. Join us, listen to the teaching and pray the given Prayer Points

and prove God’s Word for yourself. Come and learn “How to please God”

(Heb 11:6). In our AEB Sunday Morning Class and our Tuesday/Thursday

Prayer Schools we will be using the manual of God’s Word to change lives and

introduce a higher level of spiritual teaching and truth which will change your

life forever. God Bless you richly
Pastor Avis
(say each one of the following 3 times each, then begin to pray)
1 Peter 1:21 Today The God-Kind of Faith is living and active in me. His name will be

glorified in my life in the name of Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 15:14-17 My faith is not futile, I speak to every dead hope/ dream/

circumstance/situation you shall rise again, Faith I command you to come forth, rise up

in my life now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 16:13 I have courageous overcoming, victorious faith. I activate my faith

and call it forth to manifest itself in my heart, mind, thoughts and conversation.

.Acts 26:18 Today I open my eyes to the possibilities of God through my faith. I speak

to the dark places of doubt – “Light be” (Gen 1:3) in the Name of Jesus Chris

1 Peter 1:5-9
My faith is a shield against every attack of Satan. My faith will protect

me from everything ungodly that would try to come against my life in the Name of Jesus

Say 12 times
: Faith is my citadel, my treasure, my force field, my power my

key of access to every locked door in my life. I loose the spirit of faith today

into and over my life

Monday, 6 February 2012

Prayers to BULID your FAITH - When Faith Governs

At WLCC this year we will be saturating our lives with a powerful teaching on

Faith. Begin to rebuild your life with prayer and faith. We will help you to

establish and materialize the evidence of your faith (Heb 11:1). To support

this vital and essential teaching (Heb 11:6) we are praying, speaking and

prophesying The Spirit of Faith (2 “Cor 4:13), The Gift of Faith (1Cor 12:9) and

the Fruit of Faith (Gal 5:22) into the lives, of the hearer and their situations

and circumstances. I guarantee you that this year if you attend the teaching

sessions and pray the Prayer Points below The God of Miracles will visit you

and take up residence in your life and everything and everyone that you are

connected to. Join us, listen to the teaching and pray the given Prayer Points

and prove God’s Word for yourself. Come and learn “How to please God”

(Heb 11:6). In our AEB Sunday Morning Class and our Tuesday/Thursday

Prayer Schools we will be using the manual of God’s Word to change lives and

introduce a higher level of spiritual teaching and truth which will change your

life forever. God Bless you richly,
Pastor Avis

(say each of the following 3 times each, then begin to pray)
Matthew 17:20 I command the seed of faith to grow in my heart. By faith every

mountain in my life will be flattened this year, I shall see God’s glory in my life...
in the name of

Matthew 14:31 Faith take hold of my life now, I break the spirit of doubt, increase me,

stir me up, The Spirit of faith is planted in my life today, I speak turn around, change,

recovery and breakthrough I have
NOW FAITH (Heb 11:1)Today it’s working in the …

Matthew 21:21 I refuse to doubt/fear, faith rise up, live in my mind/mouth, possess my

spirit/heart/vision and view.. I will do exploits this year in the name of Jesus Christ

Hebrews 11:1 I will win and have the victory in every area of my life I am certain my

faith will not fail, I believe God…. In the name of Jesus Christ..

Zachariah 9:12 I turn to every stronghold in my life, my prayer of faith will

destroy/break every barrier/yoke My family, loved ones will be saved,

imprison myself in this belief and will not stop praying until I see results, in the name of  Jesus Christ.

John 6:37 Everything that God has planned/designed for my life is coming to me

Say 12 times
: I live and walk by faith not sight. My faith is the victory that

overcomes the world (1 John 5:4) I believe God I cannot be defeated, I AM an

1. Through faith this year we will run like David towards our giants (1 Sam 17) and

slay/destroy them utterly in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh God increase our corporate

faith in the name of Jesus Christ.


We claim our borough/nation for Christ, 2012 will see growth increase, 50 souls will

be added to WLCC Croydon/Hemel, we speak it, pray it , believe it, God will show us

how in the name of Jesus Christ.

We pray for and declare an outbreak of revival first in our own lives, ministry, then in

our government, Royal Family, institutions, companies, society, homes, marriages,

youth of all nations in the name of Jesus Christ