You were created/born to be a success but for many that success is illusive - always just one step away - or beyond your reach. This month take it back, claim it own it and pray speak it into being. Now is your time to destroy the different spirits that have been controlling your life – STRONGHOLDS - you cannot afford to miss these [1]powerful prayers on a monthly basis, the topics, information and revelations concerning the spirits that have been hindering and controlling your life. Ensure you have given your life/heart to God through repentance and that you have forgiven everyone including yourself for/every offence and that you are now obedient to God’s Word. This done, you have authority to pray these powerful prayer points - result - watch YOUR life begin to change. Do what the Lord tells you to do, stay in your rightful place (1 Sam 8:9) He will fight every battle you encounter in 2011 and beyond. THIS MONTH - STUDYING/PRAYING AGAINST THE STRONGHOLDS OF SABOTAGE REPRESENTED IN THE LIFE OF KING DAVID. (2 Samuel). He had it all, despite his ability to praise had a problem of inward pain, self-destruction – cost him his family. David forgot his purpose/God’s plan for His life momentarily -made a mistake that haunted him until death, but his love for God preserved him/future generations and God restored him – God will do the same for you today.
PRAYER POINTS (say each of the following 3 times each, then begin to pray)
1. Lord let me wear your anointing (1 Samuel 17:38) clothe me today with heaven’s uniform….
2. I will kill/destroy every Goliath that comes into my life/path with The Sword of God’s Word.
3. Today my enemies will pursue me no longer (1 Sam 23:25), I refuse to run anymore -NOW is my time to reign as King in this life in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. I possess my sanity (Ps 34:1) – the terror of my pursuers is broken from my life now…
5. Today I break the strongholds of lust (2 Samuel 11 &12, 14-15), from my life, family, future generations, Body of Christ and spirit of pornography gripping our nation in the …..
6. Let God’s spirit of praise, prophecy, prosperity and power fall on me now in the name…
7. Today I give you my life (1 Sam 15:18, 22-23) Help me to overcome myself Oh God, in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. Say 12 times “I am God’s anointed. Today I will pray with power, reside in praise and reign in peace”
1. We have the vocabulary of the redeemed – Satan’s ears will tingle when we speak God’s Word. (1 Sam 3:11)
2. Teach us the art of spiritual warfare – we equip ourselves with prayer.
3. Train me to war in the heavens - I am armed and dangerous.
4. WLCC Croydon/Hemel you are a blessing, Lord show us how to bless others.
5. WLCC spread God’s Word around your world and around the globe.
6. Teach us to serve, pray, love, minister to governments/rulers, Queen, society, sick, needy our youth, widows, orphans and the poor.