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Tuesday, 28 June 2011


JULY PRAYER POINTS - BREAKING THE SPIRIT OF KING SAUL/DISOBEDIENCE Each month this year at WLCC we are helping you to destroy the different spirits that have been controlling your life – STRONGHOLDS - you cannot afford to miss receiving/praying these
[1]powerful prayers given each month. Make sure first that you have given your life/heart to God through repentance and that you have forgiven everyone including yourself for any offence and that you are now obedient to God’s Word. Having done this you then have authority to pray these prayer points, as a result watch YOUR life begin to change. As long as you do what the Lord tells you to do, stay in your rightful place (1 Sam 8:9) He will fight every battle you encounter in 2011 and beyond.

THIS MONTH WE ARE PRAYING AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF KING SAUL, his story is found in 1 Samuel, chapters 9-31. SUMMARY: King Saul proves to us all that the only true qualification of a King is The Holy Spirit, I pray that you will possess Him also today.

PRAYER POINTS (say each of the following 3 times each, then begin to pray)

1. Oh God help me today to understand obedience (Duet 25:17-19) visit me afresh (1 Sam 16:14) today I pray against every willful spirit, wrong motive/disobedience in my life (1 Sam 15:18, 22-23) Help me to overcome myself Oh God, in the name of..

2. Search my heart oh God (Ps 44:21, Ps 139:23, Jer 29:13, Ecc 7:25), in the name …

3. I pray today against every wrong, wicked, hateful spirit in my thoughts, tongue, conversation and behaviour, In the name of Jesus Christ.

4. Remove every spirit of covetousness and envy from my life now. Let my prophectic calling stand and remain (1 Sam. 19:20-24), I break the spirit of Saul from my life.

5. I prophesy and activate the power of God in/over my life today, in the name of Jesus.

6. The Lord is my banner (Ps 60:4, Ps 20:5, Song/Sol 2:4). I am anointed by God. I will reign in this life as a King and a Priest unto God. I shall never be defeated..in the…

7. Let my sacrifice be that of obedience (1 Sam 15:22) Today I repent, forgive my sins…

8. Say 12 times "Let The Spirit of God’s anointing fall on me Now"